Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What Happened?

So I can't believe that I haven't posted since April. Lots Happened since then too. For one I graduated college - Yahoo. Lots of hard work finally paid off and now I am paying it off, lol.
My 30 year high school reunion was this summer. Yet it was let HS again. Dorks and loners here and smarts, clicks, and athletes over here. I did manage to have a okay time but I feel like the loners and dorks like me need there own HS reunion where they feel more welcome vs. unwanted. At the end of summer I got a weird stomach bug that never gone away - Yes still dealing with it - got medical specialist now - so we will see.
So I finally got bored and refound a new hobby. I loved cross stitching back in the day and I picked it up sort-of again. I discovered what is called redwork which is crossover of cross stitching except there no barely x's and there is typically only one color - RED typically hince the name. But most are finished on fabric. So I decided I needed to learn to sew. So I took a class and fell in love with it. So now I am tote bag - pillow making queen.

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